Friday, October 1, 2010

Disneyland makes a step towards glocalization???

As the world becomes closer and more cultures are being subjected to the leverage of other “dominant” cultures, many turn to the concept of globalization as the many key factor of these influences.  John Sinclair illustrates that individuals identities are not constant and that they consist of multiple and mixed layers of influence and it is this variety of levels that allows them to be able to connect with others without abandoning their own sense of self and culture.  He also goes on to say that “cultural affiliations at various levels” are “no longer obliged to assimilate themselves to a national culture.” 

Disneyland, who has long held a sense of the “American spirit” has recently reversed a ban on the Muslim employees wearing the hijab.  Although Disney did not fully lift the ban on the hijab they did recognized the religious and culture significance and allowed a specially designed headscarf as a compromise.  This was a significant step towards a more global understanding and less of the heterogeneous culture where Disney has traditional stood by not allowing religious garb.   I think this is the first step in the glocalization of many organizations in the effort to establish and/or maintain a global connection with their customers and employees by thinking globally and intern acting locally.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a very good point here. Globalization is no longer a choice or option, but a trend which all the people, organizations, government have to follow and it is definitely a unidirectional path. It is really happy to see that most people do not resist this trend and they can fit themselves in it pretty well. We are making effort to adapt ourselves to the new globalized world as soon, as well as possible. Just like Disneyland, it is giving up its previous bias towards religious issues in order to attract more visitors. Also, as far as I know, Nestle have more than 200 different flavors of coffee in different places of Europe in order to appeal to the local people. The same story goes to McDonald’s and KFC. Globalization and localization are two aspects about the same thing, just like a coin always has two sides. They never go against each other, neither do they exist solely, and the only way to fit in globalization well is to take both sides seriously.
